Tuesday, December 5, 2017

First Fleet

The first fleet is finally printed and painted.  They are not much use in historical actions, on account of the comically larger than life cannons in the bow.  The fleet will likely fight sailed fleets with broadside guns.  They are designed for use with the Galleys and Galleons rules by Ganesha Games. It has been in a few games and performed well.
 The whole fleet assembled in echelon.

Boarding Galley: 48 pts Q3 C3 Galley, Swashbucklers, Drilled Soldiers, Yare
There is one boarding galley in the  fleet.  It is specialized towards closing with enemy ships and fighting boarding actions. On the first boarding action after grappling it starts with +6 before the die is rolled. 

 Cannon Galley: 48 pts Q3 C4 Galley, Master Gunner, Trained Gun Crew, Sluggish
 The fleet has two cannon galleys.  Although well suited for boarding actions, the cannon galley's primary purpose is to stay back and pound enemy ships into submission while the ramming and boarding galleys close for melee.
The Ramming Galley: 28 pts Q2 C1 Galley, Ramming, Reinforced Hull, Skilled Oarsmen, Derring-Do, Unarmed
Te ramming galley is the smallest ship in the fleet.  It is optimized for using itself as a weapon.  The bow cannons have been removed to increase the ship's top speed. The galley's ram is functional unlike the rams on the other ships in the fleet.

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