Friday, April 2, 2021

Army Sand

Army Sand is the governmental force for the conflict in which Army Red will be inserting itself.  Army Sand is comprised of two infantry columns each with two units of regulars, a unit of reserve infantry and a field artillery detachment.  The cavalry column is comprised two units of lancer cavalry.  Army Sand's desert climate does not readily provide the fodder and grain required to keep significant cavalry forces in the field so they rely on massed conscripted infantry.  Their cavalry mostly provide scouting and intelligence gathering allowing the slower combined infantry and artillery columns to engage the enemy.  The infantry's regulars have generally competent unit level officers, but each column acts independently of each other on campaign making organized campaigns and combined operations difficult.  

I still need to determine how the rebels will be uniformed/trained.  I'd really like to have a cavalry heavy force, focusing on mounted infantry and utilizing Gatling guns in flying columns, but it doesn't fit with Army Sand's geography.  I would also like to design better European mid/late 19th Century terrain which would allow me to field a Prussian style army in its home country.  It just looks odd to have dark blue uniforms and pickelhaubes in the desert.