I've got enough miniatures 3D printed to field one army. Now I just need to decide how to paint them. They will all have a very simple paint scheme. I won't be painting any buttons, sashes, belts, pockets, footwear, satchels, epaulets, or facings because my models don't have any. The jacket will be one color and the pants will be another. All tricornes will be black with a white or yellow brim.
Unfortunately I think I'll just be doing a blue army and a red army for now. I'd like to keep them generic enough that no one looks at them and assumes a nationality, but historic enough that they wouldn't feel out of place. I really like the look of a green and black uniform, but it doesn't stand out enough against green gaming surfaces and green forests.
Below are my quick sketches. I found the template from google, originally on emperor v. elector, and traced the outline in PowerPoint so I could easily fill the simple shapes.
I appreciate all feedback on the uniforms. In my actual painting, cuffs, belts, buttons, and scarves will be ignored. They are included here only for reference. I'm a little worried that Blue's irregulars and Red's militia aren't different enough. I hope this is mitigated by the militia model being three soldiers and the irregular model being two soldiers. I also don't really like how both armies use their color and white for regular/artillery and color and dark for all mounted units. They seem too standardized to be from different countries. I tired having a French-style white jacket and colored pants, but it didn't seem like it provided enough space for the national color to be easily recognizable, especially on the mounted and artillery units.