In my dwindling free time, I sometimes think about ranges I would finish if there were interest. I’m more likely to have a free 10 minute block where I can design something on the computer than a whole hour or two to get a game set up and played through.
The 18th Century Bears have made it to the table, Roadster Bears have been started and not finished. I had been working on a racing game suitable for young kids, but it has stalled (pun very much intended). I've been tossing around the idea of a more character based skirmish game for a while. Cowboys seems to fit that theme well. There seems to be lots of opportunity for escort missions, searching for treasure, capturing key locations, and driving off enemies. It’ll being more narrative, it might also spur some writing prompts for my imaginative daughter who is very excited to write.
If I continue down this path, these will be the most articulated and varied models I will have designed.