Wednesday, January 2, 2019

What I Learned in Campaign 1

Things I learned in my first solo campaign:
- It's easier to make battle reports right after the battle.  The longer I wait, the less I remember about the details.  I keep some notes, but I don't keep enough.
- I don't know how long a game actually takes.  I played one of the games straight through in a morning, but I spent a considerable amount of time recording events.  I don't know how close I am to my goal of a run time of less than an hour.
- I need to make sure I end a turn before taking a break.  When writing the battle reports, I encountered several places where the pictures taken represent situations which should have been impossible to experience in the game.  Some of these incongruencies appear as units which made multiple moves in one turn and entire armies not making a move when they should have.  Hopefully, my opponent wouldn't let me make these types of mistakes, so I'm not too concerned.
- It's easy to not paint units.  I played the entire campaign with some units having primer gray uniforms, hair, faces, and tricornes.  It didn't impact me too much.  Painting is my least favorite part of the hobby.  I like the digital design, game design, and playing, but I don't like the stress and pressure of painting the details.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading about the campaign, the pictures and the whole concept.
